Always wanted to blog more often but never succeed . Lost touch too long until I dint even know where to start :/ Fail la fail la I know :(
Anyway , out of some random idea , me and Genee went for a photoshoot with my all time favourite photographer Jeremy aka bboyrice at Klebang [ somewhere in malacca ] . :D Famous photographer now always busy like a bee :3 Do check out his masterpiece at
rice | photo . Do give him a hola kay , LIKE LIKE LIKE :)
To make things easy , I went overnight at Genee house the night before . Girls' Sleepover meansssss what ? :P We actually try out clothes for the shoot and found out that , surprisingly we have hell a lot of similar clothes LOL
Actually more but couldn't fit in all :P |
Another similar outfit .
And we go : " Bitch pls , we are fabulous " XD |
Can you believe we actually set timer on G's phone and run and pose ? HAHAHA thats why we are fab =P Ignore the quality of the photo anyway , cause I grab it straight from instagram which never fail to down grade the quality of the photos
Played too much that night , and we actually woke up late X) Suppose to wake up at 6am , I swear I did set alarm but don't know why that scumbag iphone never rang =.= until Jeremy called at 8am LOL SORRY BOSS !
What a way to maintain the curl . |
According to the theme , we have to make our hair as messy as possible at the same time with volume . So we did curl our hair , but thanks to the stubborn straight hair , the curl can never stay long enough . Most probably before the shoot already gone ~.~ Tried to twist it and tie with a rubber band , Ikr looks dumb but it actually works :)
Genee ;3 |
Otw to pick up Jeremy who waited for one hour at Jusco . HAHA :P |
At first G was driving us , after awhile switch to Jeremy . And OMG this Jeremy freak us out a couple of times LOL We were so sleepy and those sudden brake really wake us up . Thanks bro . G was so scared haha cause we were driving her dad's company car =P
Forget we took how long but by the time we reach its like around 2 something . Which means super hot -.- The sun is so bright , can hardly open our eyes when shooting man wth . Zzz Luckily we brought our shade along Zzz .
Sooooo nice right OMGGGG I wanna go back there one day ! :3 |
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Huge Kite and nice sky , I WANNA GO BACK THERE ! |
Look ! Alien invasion XD Octopus kite and a cute little lady bird :) |

And I shall end this post with the teaser which Jeremy uploaded to his page
rice | photo :D REACHING 150 LIKES ZOMG people go like go like make it 200 ! :D
Meanwhile I shall wait our busy bee Jeremy upload the rest of the photo ! Please be efficient kay ! ;) KTHXBYE
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